
Input bindings are configured through the JSON configuration file named "config.json".


The format used is as such:

  control_type: {
    "bindings": {
      action_name: [binding_alias_1, binding_alias_2, ...]
    "sensitivity": {
      binding_alias: sensitivity_value
    "dead_zone": {
      binding_alias: dead_zone_value

An example config JSON:

  "mouse": {
    "sensitivity": 3.00,
    "bindings": {
      "look_analogue": ["mouse_move"]
  "keyboard": {
    "bindings": {
      "jump": ["Space", "Backspace"],
      "forward": ["W", "Up"],
      "back": ["S", "Down"],
      "left": ["A", "Left"],
      "right": ["D", "Right"]
  "controller": {
    "bindings": {
      "jump": ["button_a"],
      "move_analogue": ["stick_left"],
      "look_analogue": ["stick_right"],
      "fire_pimary": ["trigger_right"],
      "fire_secondary": ["trigger_left"]
    "sensitivity": {
      "stick_left": 1.0,
      "stick_right": 0.05
    "dead_zone": {
      "stick_left": 0.4,
      "stick_right": 0.4,
      "trigger_left": 0.3,
      "trigger_right": 0.3


Action Name Alias
Jump jump
Primary fire fire_pimary
Secondary fire fire_secondary
Analogue movement move_analogue
Analogue look look_analogue
Move forward forward
Move back back
Move left left
Move right right
Pause pause
Quit quit
Start start
## Binding Aliases
Keyboard bindings are done using the built in SDL functions. A reference can be found here. The rest have Aliases defined below.
Mouse Binding Name Alias
Mouse Movement mouse_move
~ ~
Left mouse button mouse_button_left
Middle mouse button mouse_button_middle
Right mouse button mouse_button_right
Auxiliary mouse button 1 mouse_button_aux_1
Auxiliary mouse button 2 mouse_button_aux_2
Auxiliary mouse button 3 mouse_button_aux_3
Auxiliary mouse button 4 mouse_button_aux_4
Auxiliary mouse button 5 mouse_button_aux_5
Auxiliary mouse button 6 mouse_button_aux_6
Controller Binding Name Alias
A button button_a
B button button_b
X button button_x
Y button button_y
Back button button_back
Guide button button_guide
Start button button_start
Left stick left_stick
Right stick right_stick
Left shoulder left_shoulder
Right shoulder right_shoulder
D-pad up dpad_up
D-pad down dpad_down
D-pad left dpad_left
D-pad right dpad_right
~ ~
Left stick stick_left
Right stick stick_right
~ ~
Left trigger trigger_left
Right trigger trigger_right

Default Bindings

For some actions, if no binding is provided, then a default will automatically be assigned by the engine. These actions and their corresponding default actions are listed below.

Action Binding
Analogue look Mouse movement
Move forward W
Move back S
Move left A
Move right D
Jump Space
Primary fire Left mouse
Secondary fire Right mouse
Pause Escape
Quit Q
Start game Return


Input is handled through channels which are essentially a container for a value, updated frequently, this value could be a vector, a float or a boolean. When the channel changes it notifies its listeners. The channel base class has parameters which is uses to filter input so listeners are not notified unnecessarily. These filters include: - dead zone / activation point - also sensitivity - auto-zero - always notify listener - bound

Dead Zone / Activation Point

If an analogue input (ex. analogue stick, mouse movement) is set to an analogue action (ex. movement) then it functions a threshold, i.e. if the value for an input is lower than that the dead zone value it is set to zero, if it greater than the dead zone it is unchanged. If an analogue input is set to a digital action (ex. jump) then the dead zone functions as an activation point, i.e. if the input value is less than the dead zone then the input is 'off', if it greater then the dead zone it is 'on'. The units dead zone/activation point values correspond to 1.0 for a totally activated trigger/stick and 0.0 for one at their lowest value/centre point. For example if the dead zone for a controller stick is to be at 40% of the maximum value then you would set the dead zone value for that stick to 0.4.


New values are multiplied by the sensitivity value. Sensitivity does not affect digital channels.


After the new value is set it is set back to whatever the default value for the value type is, ex. 0.0 for floats, false for booleans etc.

Always notify listener

Listeners are notified whenever a new value is set, regardless of whether the value changes or not.


All values greater than a threshold are set to a certain value.